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In times past, tremella (like many of the wonderful tonic herbs we work with) was preserved mainly for Chinese royalty and the upper class, as well as spiritual seekers. Tremella is used in Chinese medicine to support Lung Yin and to moisten the lungs. It is especially helpful for treating non-productive, dry coughs and Lung Yin deficiency. In addition to its respiratory benefits, tremella has been heavily associated with beauty throughout the Orient, as well as longevity and preserving youth (in TCM, the Lungs govern the health of the skin, so well-functioning Lungs equal beautiful skin).

Tremella is also used during periods of convalescence and restoration, such as during the postpartum period, to support healing. Being mucilaginous and gentle on the body, it's also known to nourish and soothe the Stomach, especially Stomach Yin. Tremella has sweet and neutral properties

The biggest challenge with tremella is not heaping spoon after spoon into your mouth. It’s such a gift that something that tastes so good can also be so good for you. Tremella's creamy, malty characteristics upgrade any tonic or recipe that it is included in while delivering some youthful love to the lungs and skin.

Traditionally used in Chinese medicine to:

  • Nourish Lung Yin
  • Promote longevity
  • Restore vitality through nourishing the Yin

Contraindications: None. Tremella is considered very safe.

Semi-wild tremella mushroom fruiting body water extract powder.

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Organic Peruvian Ceremonial Drinking Cacao

Deep within the Amazonian Region of Tarapoto, in the San Martin Province of Northern Peru grows the sacred single origin criollo cacao bean in its wild habitat.

Each block is lovingly infused with Reiki energy through a deep ceremony. Ceremonial cacao is an ancient, revered plant known for opening and connecting deep into the heart space and with the divine.

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