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This is a premium formulation of the most prized Shen herbs of the Orient.

Shen is one of the major Treasures of Taoism, translated as our Spirit or higher consciousness.

The SuperFeast SHEN blend contains herbs that have been traditionally used in Chinese medicine to strengthen our Shen while calming and soothing the mind and spirit.

The Shen herbs have traditionally been used in combination with mediation, energy cultivation, and spiritual enquiry to bring forth a loving nature, compassion, forgiveness, generosity, and acceptance as naturally expressed aspects of our being.

The SHEN blend is a formula of the most revered Shen herbs that are perfect for bringing a feeling of peace to the body while helping a leveling of mood and erratic emotions, all so we may calm the mind and further develop ourselves.

Traditionally used in Chinese medicine to:

  • Nourish the Heart Fire
  • Ground the Spirit
  • Accompany meditation and spiritual development

Contraindications: SuperFeast SHEN contains Pearl powder; some vegans may wish to avoid this product. May increase dreaming for a short period of time. There is information on the safety of SHEN during pregnancy or lactation.

Ingredients: reishi*, albizia flower, asparagus root, spirit poria, micro-ground pearl powder**, polygala, prepared rehmannia, longan berry & aged citrus peel extract powders. *dual extract **non extract

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Organic Peruvian Ceremonial Drinking Cacao

Deep within the Amazonian Region of Tarapoto, in the San Martin Province of Northern Peru grows the sacred single origin criollo cacao bean in its wild habitat.

Each block is lovingly infused with Reiki energy through a deep ceremony. Ceremonial cacao is an ancient, revered plant known for opening and connecting deep into the heart space and with the divine.

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