Life Cykel

Life Cykel Reishi + Wild Harvested Kakadu Plum

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The Reishi mushrooms has been used for many millennia in Asian cultures and is regarded as a symbol of health, longevity, success and divine power.

The Reishi mushroom is a distinctively red and woody mushroom that grows from the side of hardwood trees. This mushroom contains many bioactive compounds such as triterpenoids and ganoderic acid.

This double liquid extract flavourings are alcohol based and engineered in labs in Australia and USA using a unique double extraction process, they are full spectrum which means that both the mushroom fruiting bodies and the mycelium are used in the extraction process to create a well-rounded, high quality product.

All of the double liquid extract flavourings are infused with Australian native Kakadu Plum, known to have the highest recorded level of natural vitamin C than any other fruit in the world.


Distilled Water, Organic Alcohol (20-24%), Ganoderma lucidium (Ganoderma lucidium Mycelial Biomass, Ganoderma lucidium Fruiting Body), Natural Wild Harvested Kakadu Plum

Directions for Use

Directions: Add your liquid double extracts directly to your coffee, smoothie, tea or water.

Serving Size: 2 ml - 1/2 a dropper full is approximately 1ml, you can use this as a guide for the recommended serving size.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place

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Life Cykel Reishi + Wild Harvested Kakadu Plum

Life Cykel Reishi + Wild Harvested Kakadu Plum


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Organic Peruvian Ceremonial Drinking Cacao

Deep within the Amazonian Region of Tarapoto, in the San Martin Province of Northern Peru grows the sacred single origin criollo cacao bean in its wild habitat.

Each block is lovingly infused with Reiki energy through a deep ceremony. Ceremonial cacao is an ancient, revered plant known for opening and connecting deep into the heart space and with the divine.

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