Enki Apothecary

Frankincense Extract Supportive Tonic

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Frankincense has a rich history of spiritual and ritual use. It’s a powerful grounding energy mover and is useful for entering trance like/meditative states. 

An alluring aroma, absorbing and grounding. Journey within, into the sacred space of your body, the vessel / conduit of the higher world. Steady and intentional. With the energy of Saturn guiding you to knowing. Reducing tension and inflammation within your mind, body and spirit. Frankincense is the tonic to clear away the dust and regain your centre.

All Ingredients Certified Organic at a minimum, consciously farmed, grown & foraged.


Wild-Harvested Omani Royal Hojari Frankincense Resin - (Boswellia rivae/sacra), Filtered Spring Water, *Cane Spirit *Glycerin.

*Certified Organic



One of nature’s most powerful anti-inflammatory’s and an extraordinary anxiety herb.

Ruled by Saturn - ♄

- Suggested to support gut health, IBS, arthritis and other inflammatory conditions 1,3

- Noted to aid in pain relief and increase joint mobility 2,3

- Supports central nervous system conditions and cognitive enhancement due to anti-inflammatory properties 2

- Studies extensively note immune system support through antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties, supporting gut health, hormone balance and oral health 1,2,4

- Boswellic acid (particularly high amounts in our extract) is shown in studies to be supportive against cancer and improves cellular regeneration 1,2

- Shown to reduce stress, depression and anxiety 4

How to Use:  

One full dropper (15-20 drops) AM & PM.

Add to cacao or your favourite ritual beverage.

Closed eyes. Drop in.

Note: Taking directly under the tongue can be an strong experience for some.


1 Al-Yasiry, Ali & Kiczorowska, Bożena. (2016). Frankincense - therapeutic properties. Postępy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej (Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine). 70. 10.5604/17322693.1200553.

 2 Roy NK, Parama D, Banik K, Bordoloi D, Devi AK, Thakur KK, Padmavathi G, Shakibaei M, Fan L, Sethi G, Kunnumakkara AB. An Update on Pharmacological Potential of Boswellic Acids against Chronic Diseases. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Aug 22;20(17):4101. doi: 10.3390/ijms20174101. PMID: 31443458; PMCID: PMC6747466

 3 M. Z. SIDDIQUI. (2011). Boswellia Serrata, A potential Antiiflammatory Agent, An Overview. Processing and Product Development Division, Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Namkum, Ranchi-834 010, India. https://www.ijpsonline.com/articles/boswellia-serrata-a-potential-antiinflammatory-agent-an-overview.pdf

4 https://draxe.com/essential-oils/what-is-frankincense/


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Frankincense Extract Supportive Tonic

Frankincense Extract Supportive Tonic


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Organic Peruvian Ceremonial Drinking Cacao

Deep within the Amazonian Region of Tarapoto, in the San Martin Province of Northern Peru grows the sacred single origin criollo cacao bean in its wild habitat.

Each block is lovingly infused with Reiki energy through a deep ceremony. Ceremonial cacao is an ancient, revered plant known for opening and connecting deep into the heart space and with the divine.

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